For some years, the German hotel market has become increasingly interesting to international investors who have come to appreciate its transparency, stability and diversity. Germany is also regarded as the most important European expansion target by international hotel chains and with this, offers an abundance of investment possibilities. Along with this and apart from the top locations and core investments, whose demand far exceeds its offerings, it is also important for market participants to become active in the segment of internationally little-known locations, the so-called “secondary cities”, that display a definitely positive growth outlook within the hotel industry. This chapter delivers the requisite know-how to be able to comprehensively understand the hotel market in Germany with its opportunities and risks as well as an understanding beyond its well-trodden hotel investment paths.
This abstract summarizes the Chapter “Hotel Market Germany” by Martina Fidlschuster in Just, Tobias / Maennig, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) “Understanding German Real Estate Markets”.
Understanding German Real Estate Markets